domenica 25 ottobre 2009

055news.it "Il nudo e il crudo": LE INUTILI APPARENZE 24/10/2009 - LOOKING FOR SUCCESS
Can a beautiful woman be reached the success being uncorrupted in the soul? Can the beauty be of encumbrance to the affirmation of the cleverness? Can the support of a " big " piece be conclusive more than the Talent even? To these questions the writer Rita Bellacosa answers with " The Useless Appearances ", beautiful novel that is prepared to become a classical some modern literature and that, of sure, she is mirror of the contemporary custom. Francesca, the protagonist, is a young cultured and very beautiful woman, determined in the run toward the Success. It arrives to Rome where he comes upon in powerful and unprejudiced men which, subjugated by her bold attractiveness, they promise her an easy and fast career. Arduous to decide to oppose his own pride to such tempting perspective but how much can gotten success be gratifying thanks to the only beauty? How much it is worth if it imposes, in a sort of tacit mutuality, to sell the soul? This way beauty results a limit in a society that doesn't reward the talent but the representation, at times pathetic, of mediocre characters come to the footlights thanks to a kind of human transaction in which the principle of the " is in force I give if you give ". And the beauty from apparent advantage he changes in hard reality that sets aside the talent. Contaminating the soul. A warning for so many girls that pursue the lights of the footlights losing if same for the espace d' an instant. The work overflows of sensations and of spicy situations and also, sometimes, to the confinements, wisely built, of the nice. All in a prose instructed by the strong Manzoni’s wind.